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Why Kids Need to Play

Oct 30, 2018


Jane David

Play is a vital part of growing up. We all know that, but did you know that recent studies have shown that healthy play is good for developing young brains. 

For example, it is notable that kids are more attentive in school after they have had a short break -- or a recess as it's called in most places. It's because play, unlike a classroom, doesn't involve adult influence. 

Here's an interesting fact: In China and Japan, where you have some of the best students in the world, teachers have recognized how important play is by giving students frequent breaks, sometimes every hour. 

One form of play, called 'sociodramatic play' is pretend play which works by improving thinking and language abilities. By pretending, they also learn about emotions and how to deal with them. 

Play also helps kids grasp logic and reasoning. Say if a baby doll 'wets' her/himself, a diaper has to be changed. In that way, pretend play helps children make rational decisions. 

Since it's adults who make kids' decisions, not the kids themselves, play can reinforce their ability to deal with the world in a better way. Hence, that's where play comes in. 

Play is different because it permits kids to make their own decisions, and in so doing, aids in creating confidence, a positive self-worth, and ability.

So let kids play! 

We at Family Games America encourage play with our lines of eco-friendly, tested, and fun-filled toys, games, and puzzles. You can see our lines HERE

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